Sunday, December 19, 2010


What is beauty?
Is it a look?
A style?
A gift?

A look, surely
Style helps
But a gift?
From who?

Beauty is something that resonates through a person.
It is something mysterious, raw, intriguing.
It belongs to even the most broken people.
To the plain in looks,
To the dry in personality.
Because beauty is not a trait, it is not a quality,
It is a gift.

The gift of life, of being individually created.
He knit each part of you together and said, "it is good"
You are beautiful because He created you.
You are beautiful because your heart has been bruised and
broken, but you have not been defeated.
You are beautiful because even when people have not
shown you love, you still loved others completely.

Do you see it?
Do you believe it?
Well even if you don't see it,
or believe it,
You are beautiful.

The Father is enthralled by your beauty.
You are unique, special, chosen, beloved.
The world will try to tell you that you are not beautiful,
you don't measure up.
But there is beauty in your "flaws"
Because they are not flaws at all.

You were perfectly created.
Created to be you.

And you are beautiful.

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